Letter to ...

Realizing my Dreams

Hello Anime Manga and Life lovers!

You are welcome to my Blog I hope you like what you see and are also inspired to live Your dreams as I am also blessed to realize mine. 

I wish all of You that somehow came across my Website all the luck and happiness in this world.


Right Now I am just taking the Time to make things happen that I was dreaming about since I was a 7 Year old kid.

And all I can say  it is worth it and Life is for sure a Journey and somehow  a Dream.


Every one of us writes his own Story by deciding what he / she does and doesn't. Yes We always have a choice wether we really do what it takes to realize our inner desire or wether we just push it down our Priorities List. It takes courage and selflove to do what Your heart desires at the End it'll pay off and it feels good. I hope you my friend can also expirience that at least once in your Prescious Life / Dream.


with much Love, Elangele <3
